Tarrion & the City: “You’re No Mr. BIG Pt. 1”

Today, I invite you into the depths of my heart, where desires and emotions intertwine. I yearn for a love so deep, so genuine, that it can be felt in every fiber of my being. It’s a longing to be cherished and adored, to share an immense and all-encompassing love with a partner who craves the same intensity.

I ache for a love that transcends mere words and resonates with the very essence of who I am. It’s a desire to be seen, understood, and cherished in a way that leaves no doubts or reservations. I want a love that sets my soul ablaze, a connection that goes beyond the surface and delves into the core of my being. And within that craving lies the hope to find a partner who shares this immense and profound longing. A love that surpasses all expectations, creating a tapestry of emotions that leaves us breathless.

However, life has a way of guiding us through unexpected twists and turns.

Sometimes life has a twisted sense of humor, throwing you back into the arms of someone you thought could be the one. At first, the thought of reconnecting with him filled me with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The past memories and emotions came flooding back, and I couldn’t help but wonder if we could rekindle the flame that once burned between us. However, as time went on, I noticed something unsettling happening within me. My anxiety and insecurities, which I thought I had conquered and left behind, began to resurface and show up with a vengeance.

As our connection grew stronger, I noticed an unwelcome resurgence of familiar feelings. Anxiety gnawed at me, questioning whether we could truly make it work this time. Self-doubt whispered in my ear, planting seeds of uncertainty about his worthiness of my time and affection. Insecurities crept in, casting shadows of doubt on my own value and whether I deserved a love that fulfilled my deepest desires. These emotional barriers threatened to overshadow any potential for a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

It started with small doubts creeping into my mind. I questioned whether he was truly deserving of this second chance, and if he had changed enough to make things work this time. As our interactions intensified, my fears amplified. I found myself overanalyzing every word, every action, searching for signs that confirmed my worst fears—fears of not being enough, fears of repeating past mistakes, and fears of being hurt again. My mind became a battleground of self-doubt, and my heart felt heavy with the weight of uncertainty.

Amidst the turmoil within, I embarked on a journey of self-reflection. I asked myself difficult questions and confronted the hard truths. Was this person truly deserving of my time and trust again? Could they meet the standards I set for myself and the relationship I yearned for? The answers were not easy to accept, but I realized that my well-being and happiness depended on putting myself first. I chose to honor my heart’s longing for a love that matched my own depth and intensity.

Letting go of the rekindled relationship was an act of self-love and bravery. It signified my commitment to refuse settling for anything less than what I deserved. I recognized that staying in a situation that reawakened my anxieties, self-doubt, and insecurities would only hinder my personal growth and inner peace. It was not an easy decision, but I knew deep down that it was the right one. No matter how desperately I want it to be him, I have come to realize that he is not the person meant for me. But here’s the cold, hard truth: no matter how much you try, some connections just aren’t meant to be. As much as it hurts, you gotta face the reality that the person from your past may not align with who you are now. It’s a gut-wrenching realization, but it’s a necessary step in your journey to finding the love that truly fits your soul.

These resurfacing anxieties and insecurities reminded me that healing is not always linear. Despite the progress I had made in building my self-confidence and overcoming past traumas, the intensity of rekindling with him had stirred up dormant emotions and vulnerabilities. It became clear to me that revisiting the past does not automatically erase the scars or fully heal the wounds. It is a delicate dance between confronting our fears and nurturing our growth, a journey that demands patience, self-compassion, and an unwavering commitment to our own well-being.

Rekindling a relationship with someone from your past can be both enticing and tumultuous. However, when anxiety, self-doubt, and insecurities resurface, it’s important to listen to our intuition and prioritize our own well-being. I chose to walk away, recognizing that I deserved a love that nurtured and celebrated my authentic self. Today, I stand taller, more confident in my choices, and ready to welcome a love that aligns with my deepest desires and wants me just as much as I want them.


With love —

Perplexxed. ❤

One response to “Tarrion & the City: “You’re No Mr. BIG Pt. 1””

  1. This!!!!

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